El maíz es un elemento primordial en nuestra alimentación, y parte fundamental del axis mundi cultural y cosmogónico en México. Su domesticación genética, llevada a cabo a lo largo de miles de años por nuestros grupos ancestrales, corre riesgo de ser neutralizada con la entrada del maíz transgénico a nuestro país.
Une tu voz y tu intención para defenderlo.
Corn is a primordial element in our alimentation, and a fundamental part of the axis of the cultural and cosmic world in Mexico. Its genetic domestication, carried on through thousands of years by our ancesters, runs the risk of being neutralized with the entrance of transgenic corn into our country.
Speak out and defend it.
Une tu voz y tu intención para defenderlo.
Corn is a primordial element in our alimentation, and a fundamental part of the axis of the cultural and cosmic world in Mexico. Its genetic domestication, carried on through thousands of years by our ancesters, runs the risk of being neutralized with the entrance of transgenic corn into our country.
Speak out and defend it.